Another travel weekend = another week of wishful thinking. Thought I would get back on track by doing my long run on Thursday, but slight pain in my right knee slowed those plans down. I took the rest of the week off so I could strengthen my right leg to help alleviate the knee pain. No one enjoys training setbacks, but my focus is on getting back to 100% regardless of mileage. Training is pointless if I can’t make it to the start line.
Going to ease back into it this upcoming week. No more trips are planned until Labor day weekend. So there’s plenty of time to regroup and focus.
Week 5 Training Details:
Monday (August 1, 2022)
- Waited until late evening to run for cooler temps. Quick turnaround for Tuesday Track intervals
Tuesday (August 2, 2022)
- Very happy with how this went. It was the first time I didn’t skip the 30-second fast reps, which were harder than I originally thought. Lots of fatigue going into those reps and needed to walk the rest portion
- I have some work to do on smoothing out the pacing on the later reps, but I’m not upset at all
- Also managed to throw in an evening easy run for a double run day!
Wednesday (August 3, 2022)
- I missed the Luke’s Locker social run but did some easy afternoon miles to get ready for Thursday’s long run. I was not making the same mistake as last week and want to get my long run done
Thursday (August 4, 2022)
- Started at 4 am with Matt Campbell to get early miles in before the 5:15 am start with Train Pegasus. I wanted to throw in 4-6 miles at marathon pace (6:30-6:40), but again I found myself struggling to get 2 miles at marathon pace
- I have a small handheld water bottle and I need to use that more on long runs. I should also throw in some salt
Friday (August 5, 2022)
- Rest day
- My right knee felt a bit weak after the Thursday long run. Nothing serious, but I noticed the issue while going up and down stairs. It was also traveling day and I needed to pack
Saturday (August 6, 2022)
- Rest day
- My knee still felt weird and it was raining pretty hard in the morning. It wasn’t worth the risk to go for a run, especially somewhere new. I got my steps in on the dance floor and took in the nice Montana weather and views!
Sunday (August 7, 2022)
- Rest day
- Got to sleep in a little longer than last weekend and woke up at 5:30 for last-minute packing. No run today either due to the excessive wedding celebrations
- On a positive note, my right knee feels better. Added some single-leg squats where I could but I need to be more disciplined about targeted strength training